Tag Archives: wakizashi sword

Hawatari, the Length of a Sword Blade

The Length of a Sword Blade Sword blades come in different lengths which we call Hawatari. But aside from Hawatari, there are several things to consider when choosing a sword.[... ]

Is there a difference between Kabukimono and Ronin?

Kabukimono and Ronin What is Kabukimono? What is Ronin? Japanese people are ethnic groups that are native to Japan. They are one of the largest ethnic groups – approximately 129[... ]

The Rich History of the Samurai’s Primary Sword, the Katana

History of Katana The Katana is a classic Japanese sword. The Samurai were the ones who utilized this in battle. The sword had a strikingly unique exterior. Its blade had[... ]

The Main Weapons of the Samurai – More than Just Swordsmen

The Main Weapons of the Samurai The known main Samurai weapons of Fuedal Japan includes the Katana and the Wakizashi – two swords that represented their class in the society.[... ]

Wakizashi Sword and Its History

Wakizashi Sword The Wakizashi sword is one of the most important weapons of the samurai warrior. It was the backup sword that was paired with the Katana. By law, only[... ]