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Tag Archives: Kamakura Period
The Golden Era of the Samurai History
The Golden Era Samurai has gone a long way in Japanese history. Meanwhile, their existence had a golden era. What was this period called? What events took place? Why was[... ]
Tachi, the Sword That Preceded the Katana
The Tachi Sword Tachi emerged even before the Katana did. More importantly, it provided the basis for the invention and development of the Katana. Therefore, without this sword, there would[... ]
Fujiwara Clan: The Political Influencers of the Heian Period
The Fujiwara Clan The Heian Shi or Heian Period in the history of Japan goes from the years 794 to 1185 CE. It flourished and saw great improvement from literature,[... ]
The Imperial Conquest: Siege of Chihaya
The Imperial Conquest The Chihaya is one of the battles during the Genko War. This occurred in the year 1333, which is the final year of the Kamakura period. This[... ]