Tag Archives: Japanese War

The Conquest of Toyotomi: The Dual Battles of Imjin

The Dual Battles of Imjin The Imjin invasion started in the year 1592 when the Japanese army arrived at the Busan port city. This peninsula is in the southernmost spot[... ]

The Craftsmen Responsible for the Japanese Sword

Japanese Sword Craftsmen Authentic weapons are like the craftsmen responsible for the Japanese sword. Globally known for their long tradition of excellent craftsmanship. For centuries, the Samurai’s honor, appeal, authority,[... ]

The Imjin War of 1592 and 1597 (The Japanese Invasions of Korea)

The Imjin War of 1592 and 1597 The Japanese Invasions of Korea or the Imjin war is separated into two linked operations: the first one that happened in 1592, and[... ]