Custom Nodachi


Build Your Custom Nodachi from the options below, We offer the largest selection of blade modifications for your Custom Nodachi, and other samurai swords.

  • Navigate to the sides of each slider to see the different options available for your custom Nodachi
  • Click on the Image to Enlarge and select (selection is made when you see a red frame around the image)

1060 Carbon Steel Nodachi Approximate Size: 110cm Blade, Handle length 35cm
9260 Spring Steel Nodachi Approximate Size: 100cm Blade, Handle length 35cm
1095 Folded Steel Nodachi Approximate Size: 120cm Blade, Handle length 35cm

  •  We offer a large selection of steel for you custom Nodachi blade. here is a short guide about the difference between the qualities of the blades and steel and their properties.

    • 1060 Carbon is our most basic steel, it is heat treated and contains 0.60% carbon content.
    • 1060 Carbon is our most basic steel, it is heat treated and contains 0.60% carbon. the steel is folded 13 times which creates beautiful Hada (grain pattern) on the blade.
    • 9260 Spring steel is very durable and highly flexible, it can be bent, twist and revert back to it's original shape. it has high shock absorption and it's great for cutting advance targets like Bamboo poles.
    • 9260 Spring steel is very durable and highly flexible, it can be bent, twist and revert back to it's original shape. it has high shock absorption and it's great for cutting advance targets like Bamboo poles. the steel is folded 13 times which creates beautiful Hada (grain pattern) on the blade.
    • 1095 Carbon steel is very hard and tough and contains 0.95% carbon, the steel is folded 13 times which creates beautiful Hada (grain pattern) on the blade.

    The Kissaki is the tip and pointy end of the Japanese sword that feature a ridge line.
    You can choose either traditional Kissaki or Kiriha Zukuri type.

    The Tsuba is the sword guard, and what protect your hand from getting cut from your blade or your opponents blade, we offer a large variety of Tsuba in different prices, please Choose different options to see different Tsuba.

    includes high quality copper Menuki, Fuchi and Kashira.

    For extra $90 you can choose from our high quality Tsuba, Fuchi Kashira and Menuki collection, those are made of high quality copper and will certainly enhance your sword design, there are many combinations so you can be sure your Samurai sword is unique.

    Choose the metal fuchi kashira you want, if you are looking for higher quality, please select the option above of HQ Copper Tsuba:

    Choose the high quality Fuchi Kashira of your liking:


    Choose the High quality copper Menuki you like:

    Choose the handle wrap material and color, we offer synthetic Silk wrap with no extra charge or  high quality leather wrap for extra $40

    Choose the color of the silk wrap for the tsuka and ito sageo.

    Samegawa is used to protect the Tsuka (Handle), allow proper gripping and prevent the hands from slipping during practice. Choose the color of the ray skin Samegawa from the options below:

    Choose Between:  Katate-Maki (Battle Wrap) or Tsumami Maki (Traditional Wrap)

    Choose the Saya (scabbard) made of Lacquer wood, or choose our more high quality saya for extra.

    • Hardwood black saya with hand drawn painting and buffalo horn fittings

    Here you can enhance your sword to be something extraordinary, our enhancement includes: Blood grove, Hadori Polish, Sword Engraving, Carbon Electroplating


    If you wish us to sharpened your blade, please tell us whether sharpened or non sharpened:

    • The Blade will be extra sharpened by hand to achieve a very sharp edge. (this will compormise it's durability for the long term if intended for frequent test cutting)

    Choose if you want a Blood Groove on your sword

    Choose if you want Sword engraving, we can do the engraving in Chinese, Japanese or English. please enter the exact characters you want to appear in the engraving.

    If you wish us to engrave an image on your blade, please upload the file here.

    Here you can choose the accessories, which includes stands, sword box and sword bag.


    Choose a bag for your sword, all of the bags are made of silk.

    Choose which sword stand you wish to receive

  • *Custom Made

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