1095 Steel Folded Clay Tempered Tanto with Full Brass Fittings
Blade: 1095 Carbon Steel (Folded 13 times, clay tempered)
Blood Groove: on both sides
Blade Edge: fully sharpened
Habaki (Blade Collar) & Seppa (Spacer) Material: Brass
Tsuba (Hand Guard): brass tsuba
Fuchi (Handle Collar) and Kashira (Handle Buttcap): matching brass
Tsuka (Handle): black hardwood tsuka with menuki ointments.
Tang: Full tang
Saya (scabbard): black hardwood lacquered saya
Blade Length: 27 cm
Handle Length: 13 cm
Approximate Weight: 0.45 kg
Blade Width: 3.2cm
Blade Thickness: 0.75cm
This is a traditional Japanese Tanto. The blade has been folded 13 times creating 8192 layers. It is also clay tempered, water quenched and sharpened by the traditional 12 step methods. The balance of the blade is perfect and the sword is completely functional. The Tanto can be used for drills, practice and target cutting. You can see the visible hamon line (clay tempered line) on the blade surface. The saya is wooden with a black gloss finish and it fits seamlessly into the handle.
Blade: The blade of the sword has been authentically constructed a maru lamination. It’s been folded 13 times, similar to the painstaking process that requires a master smith.
The curve of the blade has been created as a result of the different steel used on the Ha and Shinogi. When the blade is quenched the sword is covered with a clay solution, except for the edge of the blade. The blade is then heated and quenched in water . Since the edge cools much more quickly than the rest of the blade the molecules in the steel expand and forces the softer steel to fold back. The HRC of the sword is 45 egress on the Shinogi (body) and 60 degrees on the Yakiba (edge). A clear grain pattern runs along the blade. The blade features a wide Bo-Hi, low Ridge Line, is full tang, and very sharp.
Saya: The Saya of the sword is a work of art in its own right. A black silk Sage-o has been tied around the brass made Kurigata.
Tsuba: The Habaki is a one piece brass construction. The fuchi (collar) has a wave (tsunami) design.
Tsuka: The Tsuka features a wooden core. Wrapped over the hardwood is a black thin cotton Ito. The Kashira features another tsunami wave design.