Grabado en la Espada
Color de la Hoja de la Espada
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Espiga Completa Katana
Katana con Templado de Arcilla
Acero plegado
Japanese Swords or Espadas Samurái are real pieces of arts. Generally hand forged, theses Swords, called Katanas, can carry many ornaments that make them beautiful weapons to acquire and keep them as souvenir or offer them as gifts. For Sword collections, these pieces famous for several characteristics which make them as precious as sculptures and paintings.
Particularly, full tang katana are appreciated pieces of arts. In the Swords’ listing, they occupy a respected position for their forging and their mounting processes. From classical to modern, full tang Katanas keep the link of a rich civilization to an evolving history.
What is a Full Tang Katana?
A full tang katana is the sword where the tang extends to almost the whole length of the handle, which makes the blade and the handle the same piece of metal. This gives to the sword certain rigidity and makes it a very solid piece to enjoy.

Full Tang Katana is the best category of samurai swords if you are intending to build your katana collection. And purchasing not a full tang katana is certainly just a toy piece. Full Tang have several particularities that you can benefit from. This category is the best choice for training because it is not too heavy. It comes with a sharp blade that is excellent for cutting use and shows. Usually handmade, there are now some new blades that are made with electroplating process instead of fire heating. What makes the full tang katana much cherished?
Brief History
Full Tang Katanas are handmade swords. They can be made of various stainless steel types according to the Carbon Concentration. The forging is the essential part of the production, because it allows the Samurai Sword to be solid and relatively light. Commonly, the piece of metal is repeatedly heated by fire and hammered while the metal is being folded. The mounting of the different parts is a very delicate operation that has its origins deep in the Japanese civilization.
Samurai are used to cherish their Katanas as their trusted partners and they handle them with love and care. They can recommend to the smith what they need their sword look like. They were offered several options as they can specify what they want. Traditionally, Samurai used to identify by the appearance of their swords and their grades and groups were specified by the number and the characteristics of their Swords.
Customize your Full Tang Katana
The several parts that complete the Full Tang Katana are supplied in a list. You can choose the parts that you like to mount to fulfill the final item of your dream. There are some characteristics that do not require additional fees. For some others parts’ characteristics, some fees may apply.
Full Tang Katana is the category that you need if you plan to make presents; it carries some fines ornaments that make it enjoyable as a decoration and item of collection. The different parts can be customized and you can make your piece as you need and as you like it to be.
Full Tang Swords are practical: they don’t weight too much and they have comfortable dimensions. Generally, Full Tang Katanas are made of polished Stainless steel; blade length is 27”-28” (68.5 cm-71 cm), handle length is about 10” (25.4 cm),weight with saya 2.7 lbs (1.22 kg) and 2.1 lbs without saya (0.95 kg). Thickness of the blade is a very important These Katanas are lights and relatively small, so they do not require a lot of space.
The handle, equally called Tsuka, is the part you are supposed to grab with one or both hands. Tsuka can carry various sorts of decoration that make it enjoyable to touch and watch. You can choose from a wide list of Tsuka the one that suits you the most. Handles are commonly made of laminated wood, with some ornaments that allow you to grab firmly the handle, the Sageo wrap, with a large list of colors and materials that you can choose from.
The Harmon, the cutting part and the sharpest side of the sword, is set in categories; you can choose to have your katana displaying a Round Harmon, Choji Harmon, or a wave Harmon. The list is not limited to these Harmon types but these are the most common.
With Tsuba, Seppa y Habaki on the top, Tsuka has the Fuchi Kashira at its base and it completes the ornamental work on the handle. Each part is made of a particular material and it takes you the move to specify which you desire.
Full Tang Katanas are associated to the device where they are kept, called Scabbard or Saya. Saya is mainly made to protect the blade from outer hazard and to protect users from being cut while not intending to use the sword. Because Full Tang Katanas are very sharp, the saya is usually made to ensure the durability and the resistance to the cutting potency of the blade.
Saya serves as shield for and against the Harmon. Saya can also be a master piece of art since it can carry various items such as Kurigata and Sagiyo which are mounted on the saya to complete the ornaments that may exist on the handle and, Kojiri at top and Koyiguci which embraces the Seppa, which one covers the Tsuba known as the Guard. Theses last pieces are usually metallic and they complete the ornamental work on the handle to see no discontinuity. They are metallic pieces that can be handmade or forged, but in both cases, they are certainly marvelous.
The Tsuba is the metal piece that prevents the hand from slipping on to the blade. It should be a very solid piece, usually metallic, may be iron or copper. It can be classical with no ornaments as it can be a very attractive piece of art. There are some which display scenes of battles of warriors or man against beasts. Others do present only some geometrical shapes arrangements. You can always specify the Tsuba you want to have on your Handle, and you may suggest the associated items that you suit for your piece.