Archivos de Categoría: Samurai History

The Conquest of Toyotomi: The Dual Battles of Imjin

The Dual Battles of Imjin The Imjin invasion started in the year 1592 when the Japanese army arrived at the Busan port city. This peninsula is in the southernmost spot[... ]

The Different Martial Arts designated on Each Weapon

Different Martial Arts After a long period of war, a mysterious martial art called Ninjutsu came. At first, the technique aims to teach the warriors to defend themselves. Years passed[... ]

The Nonmilitary Culture of the Samurai

Culture of the Samurai We know the Samurai as dedicated warriors. As such, their entire lives revolved around the study of and training for military service. It is easy to[... ]

Tachi, the Sword That Preceded the Katana

The Tachi Sword Tachi emerged even before the Katana did. More importantly, it provided the basis for the invention and development of the Katana. Therefore, without this sword, there would[... ]

8 Amazing Badass Tales of Real Samurai

Tales of Samurai Read some of the most amazing tales of Samurai throughout history.  Japanese warriors called the Samurai, were prominent figures during Japan’s warring period. This lasted from the[... ]

Complete Story of the 47 Ronin

The 47 Ronin You probably heard about the story of the 47 Ronin, One of the most beloved and known stories in Japan, Whether you are familiar with the details[... ]

The Iga Revolt: The Greatest Historical Battle of the Shinobi

The Iga Revolt The Iga revolt was a massive and interesting conflict between the Shinobi of Iga and the Oda clan. The Ninja or Shinobi is a popular phenomenon in[... ]

Genpei Wars: Siege and Betrayals

Sieges and Betrayals The conflicts between the Taira and Minamoto families are some of the most significant in Japanese history. Not only did they mark a before and an after[... ]

The Origins of Hand-to-Hand Combat in Japan

Hand-to-Hand Combat When two or more people duel each other in a short range, They are more likely to fight with weapons like swords or daggers. In the absence of[... ]

Genpei Wars: The Great Defense

The Genpei wars was a national civil war that happened during the end of the Heian period in Feudal Japan. After the events of the[... ]