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Archivos de Categoría: Japan History
The Bloody Campaign of Ishiyama Hongan-Ji
Ishiyama Hongan-Ji One of the famous and deadliest Japanese wars of history is the Ishiyama Hongan-Ji War. Known also as the Ishiyama Kassen, the battle took place from the years[... ]
Rise of the Royal Warriors: The Taira Heishi
The Taira clan The Taira clan, who were also called the Heike, was a warrior family of influence and power during the 12th century. Their family history goes all the[... ]
Are Seppuku and Harakiri the Same?
Seppuku and Harakiri Undoubtedly, the term Harakiri is very familiar to us. We encounter it in our history classes. We even witness it in some Japanese movies that feature Samurai[... ]
Kabukimono, The Dregs of Ancient Japan
Samurai of Ancient Japan During the warring period of Japan, the Samurai was one of the most prominent class. Samurai was the cream of the crop, the military men and[... ]
The Japanese Martial Art That Uses Bamboo Swords
Kendo Most martial arts originated in Japan, but many of them did not rely on weapons. Meanwhile, there were those that are designed to be done with swords. These ascended[... ]
Top 4 Astounding Japanese Battles in History
Japanese Battles in History Japan has its fair share of battles in history. Each battle left a significant role and scar to what Japan is today. In the 12th Century,[... ]
Is there a difference between Kabukimono and Ronin?
Kabukimono and Ronin What is Kabukimono? What is Ronin? Japanese people are ethnic groups that are native to Japan. They are one of the largest ethnic groups – approximately 129[... ]
Hojo Masako, the Prominent Nun Shogun
The Prominent Nun Shogun Shogun were Japanese warlords. They played an essential role in the history of Japan, particularly in the Medieval Period. Most of them came from the Samurai[... ]
The Daisho: The Samurai’s Swords
The Daisho Do you know the importance of Daisho? The Samurai wore the Katana as their life swords. That is true. But what most didn’t know is that Samurai don’t[... ]
The Legendary Tsukahara “Kensei” Bokuden
Kensei In the warring period of Japan when Samurai was prevalent, they had an honorary title “Kensei” or “Sword Saint”. A Samurai who has legendary skills in swordsmanship receives this[... ]