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Archivos de Categoría: Art of the Sword
Bad Posture? Adopt the Samurai Posture
If you work at your computer or spend a lot of time sitting down, there may be a time when you realize that[... ]
What Miyamoto Musashi Can Teach You About Confrontation
Miyamoto Musashi & Confrontation Miyamoto Musashi practically needs no introduction. He is possibly the most famous swordsman in Japanese history, and one of the most famous worldwide. During his[... ]
What Aikido Can Teach You about Life
Aikido is one of the most original and current Japanese martial arts. Its fame in the West is due to some very prestigious[... ]
The Science of Sword Cuts
Cut and thrust. Those two moves are the quintessence of any sword fight. There will be many swords, techniques, and schools of fencing. But at[... ]