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Acero plegado
How Much Do You Know About Shuriken?
Shuriken Not much documentation is available concerning Shuriken because it was a secretive art. The skill of throwing employed independent exponents. Its integration with other weapons might have caused some[... ]
The Golden Era of the Samurai History
The Golden Era Samurai has gone a long way in Japanese history. Meanwhile, their existence had a golden era. What was this period called? What events took place? Why was[... ]
Konishi Yukinaga: The Controversial Christian Samurai
Konishi Yukinaga Konishi Yukinaga is one of the few people who is willing to always stand against the tide. He stood for his different spirituality in a Shinto and Buddhist[... ]
Five Remarkable Lady Samurai and their Samurai Journey
Onna-bugeisha The depiction of Samurai warriors is usually male-oriented but female warriors also existed. Known as Onna-bugeisha, these women fought and perform the same duties as their male counterparts. They[... ]
The Nara Period – The Beginnings of the Classical Era in Japan
Nara Period The Nara Period – a time in classic Japan’s ancient history, ran through the years 710 to 794 AD. It was also when Empress Genmei established Heijo Kyo[... ]
The Bloody Campaign of Ishiyama Hongan-Ji
Ishiyama Hongan-Ji One of the famous and deadliest Japanese wars of history is the Ishiyama Hongan-Ji War. Known also as the Ishiyama Kassen, the battle took place from the years[... ]
Rise of the Royal Warriors: The Taira Heishi
The Taira clan The Taira clan, who were also called the Heike, was a warrior family of influence and power during the 12th century. Their family history goes all the[... ]
Are Seppuku and Harakiri the Same?
Seppuku and Harakiri Undoubtedly, the term Harakiri is very familiar to us. We encounter it in our history classes. We even witness it in some Japanese movies that feature Samurai[... ]
Hawatari, the Length of a Sword Blade
The Length of a Sword Blade Sword blades come in different lengths which we call Hawatari. But aside from Hawatari, there are several things to consider when choosing a sword.[... ]
The Battle Suit of the Samurai
Samurai Armor Here we are going to talk about the Samurai battle suit or armor. What was it like? Is it heavy? Why do some helmets have horns? Or did[... ]